Website image for Vianza | San Francisco commercial photographer
5:08 PMAfter a thorough phone conversation with the founder of the company I gained a solid idea of what they do and represent. We collectively came up with a great concept for the image-- The idea was to create one colorful, imaginative image that shows a client happily experiencing Vianza to find products for their own company. Sourcing goods online can be daunting, and she had to look like she was enjoying herself while using this service because it makes her life so much easier. The environment was intended to look a bit like organized chaos. I had a small team on site to organize props and items in the scene, while I worked on getting the lighting just right.
We used natural window light from the right (thank goodness for beautiful large north-facing windows) and a silver reflector wall built left to bounce some of that light back onto the scene. (The left of the image was darkened in post to accommodate the text overlay, even though it was shot evenly lit). Everyone I worked with was so dang efficient and effective, the pre-planning + actual shoot + post production took me about 6 hours to produce start to finish. I LOVE when that happens ;)
Here's the final image that is live on the site right now--
This was Vianza's website using a stock photo before--